Son Tra, Da Nang

One bedroom apartment near by Da Nang International for rent

$550 /month


Cheap apartment 1 bedroom

This apartment is located near 30/4 street in the city center. It takes 5 minutes to walk to 2/9 street.

Nearby amenities

  • Convenience store available
  • There are farmers and seafood markets
  • There are bars and many other entertainment services

See more: 10 hiyori apartments for rent

Apartment facilities

  • The apartment is comfortably designed with city view
  • 24 hour security area
  • Reference price: $550 for size 50m2, $600 for size 55m2.
  • Full facilities and equipment, especially the bathtub
  • Free wifi and water, strong TV cable.

Please contact us for the most specific advice for your rental needs.
Contact: 0796265522 ( Nancy )
Website: Beachhome.com.vn
